O&S Engineers & Architects is proficient in parking structure inspections having done over 20 inspections in the last month for Local Law 126. In order to comply with NYC Local Law 126 of 2021 (Intro No. 2261-A), one is required to perform periodic inspections of parking structures at least once every six years in accordance with the following terms (quoted from the code):
Parking Structure – A building or portion of a building used for the parking or storage of motor vehicles and an open or enclosed parking garage as defined in the New York City Building Code. A parking structure does not include an autobody repair shop, an automotive showroom, a garage with occupancy of fewer than three cars, unenclosed and unattached lots, an automotive service station, an automotive repair shop, or a private garage as such term is defined in the building code.
Condition Assessment – An examination conducted to review a parking structure and all parts thereof, as defined in Article 323 of title 28 of the Administrative Code, to determine whether the parking structure and all parts thereof are either safe, unsafe, or safe with repairs and/or engineering monitoring and whether, in the judgment of a qualified parking structure inspector¹, remedial work is required.
Safe – No problems and in good condition. A condition of a parking structure, any appurtenances thereto or any part thereof not requiring repair or maintenance to sustain the structural integrity of the parking structure and that is to remain safe during the next six years.
Safe with Repairs and/or Engineering Monitoring (SREM) – Safe, but requires repair/monitoring. A condition of a parking structure, any appurtenances thereto or any part thereof that is safe at the time of inspection but requires repairs or maintenance during the next one to six years in order to prevent its deterioration into an unsafe condition during that six-year period.
Unsafe – Problems/defects threaten public safety. With an Unsafe classification, the owner shall immediately secure public safety by removing the unsafe condition or safeguarding the area. A condition of a parking structure, any appurtenances thereto, or any part thereof that is hazardous to persons or property and requires repair within one year of completion of condition assessments. In addition, any condition that was reported as SREM in a previous compliance report and that is not corrected at the time of the current inspection must be reported as an unsafe condition.
¹ As required by 1RCNY 101-07, the Professional Engineer (PE) performing the condition assessment of a parking structure must meet the eligibility requirements for Qualified Parking Structure Inspectors (QPSI). O&S has certified QPSIs who will perform the inspections.
The parking structure report and maintenance/repair deadlines are divided into cycles, which are further subdivided into three sub-cycles. The Community District in which the Parking Structures are located determines if the properties fall into sub-cycle A, B, or C (See Cycle 1 Sub-Cycle Diagram).
The first inspection cycle runs from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023, and covers Community Districts 1 through 7 (all Manhattan parking garages below 59th Street plus the Upper West Side below 110th Street).
For parking structures in:
Manhattan Community Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023
Manhattan Community Districts 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Brooklyn Community Districts: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025
Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island Community Districts: January 1, 2026 – December 31, 2027
“§103-16 Initial observation of parking structures”