The Mall At Bay Plaza – Garage A & B
The Mall at Bay Plaza is the first enclosed anchored fashion mall in the New York City area in almost 40 years. Master Plans for this upscale retail center called for the design of two independent parking structures situated at each end of the mall. Each garage directly serves the Mall as well as its accompanying anchor store.
Design elements of these four level facilities included: eight supported pedestrian bridges, direct access to the Village, an elevated vehicular bridge to Garage A, vehicular connection between both garages on the third level over the mall, speed ramps for floor to floor access and 90-degree parking with two-way traffic circulation.
O&S Associates was challenged by the need to span the JC Penny’s garage over an angular 40-foot easement. Utilizing standard precast elements to solve this issue, the end result was a cost-effective design meeting all design criteria identified in the Master Plan.
Working with world class Los Angeles-based architectural firm Altoon & Porter Architects, serving as the mall architects, O&S Associates provided architectural, structural design and construction management for both parking garage structures.