St. Elizabeth Medical Center Parking Garage
O&S was initially retained to provide a hazard mitigation survey and to design repairs for a selection of the roof level that was undergoing deterioration and was allowing water leakage. The deterioration and leakage had prompted St. Elizabeth to close parking below.
O&S designed a cost effective, “immediate remediation” program which included repair of deteriorated concrete at the underside of the slabs which had become a fall hazard and provided a retrofit water collection gutter system to divert leaking water. We provided construction documentation and technical supervision throughout the immediate repair program.
Our services were extended to provide a comprehensive condition assessment of the parking garage and developed a recommended repair and preventative maintenance program which included repairs to the field topping at the double tees and addresses structural inadequacies causing premature failure of the garage expansion joint seals.
Subsequently, at the client’s request, we phased our repair program over a few years to accommodate their budgets. We have already completed the first phase of repairs which were geared toward restoration of the entire roof level including complete replacement of the concrete topping slab. We are currently about to begin design for the second phase of repairs, including structural repairs at the remaining supported levels.