Rock Island Arsenal Building #299
Relevance to the Current Proposal: O&S was the structural engineer of record for this project, which involved significant alternations to an existing structure. The project involved condition assessment of the existing structure, structural analysis, design of new footings, columns, and steel superstructure, and coordination with architectural, civil, and MEP. The project was owned by the US Army of Engineers and as such, all O&S deliverables met strict USACE documents standards.
Summary: In 2008, the United States Army initiated the Move Metal Parts Mission (MMPM) to relocate ammunition manufacturing machinery and personnel to Rock Island Arsenal (RIA), IL, from the Riverbank Army Munitions Plant and Mississippi Army Munitions Plant in response to Base Realignment and Closures (BRAC) 2005. USACE determined that Building #299 of RIA was the only building that met the floor space and ceiling height requirements to accommodate the combined incoming munitions functions from both Riverbank and Mississippi AAP.
The Louisville District Army Corp of Engineers solicited Design-Build proposals to upgrade Building 299 in order to accommodate its new function. O&S already had extensive previous experience at Building 299. In 2005 and 2006, O&S performed comprehensive structural engineering investigations on Building 299 in order to evaluate the structural steel framing, concrete footings and columns, roofing, walls, and glazing.
In response to the Design-Build RFP, O&S formed a JV with a local Federal 8(a) contractor and were awarded this project based our technical proposal and past experience. The responsibilities of O&S included all structural design, civil design, construction documents (drawings/specifications), construction administration, and construction supervision. Being a Design-Build project, O&S was involved from the conceptual stage through the completion of construction. O&S performed the design work to address MMPM require and to repair building deficiencies.
The project consisted of the conversion of Bay 2 (southwest corner) of the building into a munitions manufacturing area (100,000 square feet) and the replacement of the existing asbestos roofing assembly on the entire 775,000-square foot roof. The HVAC and plumbing on the building were also redesigned. Our engineering design work consisted of a comprehensive structural/MEP investigation of the existing building, design of new structural system, roof system, new ventilation system and lighting system, new mezzanine area, new overhead crane structures, new process piping, and site improvements.
Structural Design
- Raise existing gable roof of Bay 2 from 30’ to 60’ to accommodate new 50-ton gantry crane
- New design to accommodate two 10-ton cranes and one 50-ton crane
- New crane girders and fixed base crane columns the raised roof bay
- Change column spacing design new base plates, piers, and footings
- Re-design existing roof members, trusses, beams, and bracing
- SAP2000 analysis for gravity, crane, seismic, and wind loading
Architectural Design
- New siding, glazing, and roofing for the raised bay
- Interior design of new spaces including offices, break rooms, locker room and showers, lunchroom, conference room, and lavatories
- New mezzanine, electrical room, fire pump room, loading dock area, and building entrances
- New wall panels, glazing, and roofing assembly for entire building
Landscaping Design
- Provide personnel access from Building 212 parking lot
- New sidewalks, fencing, site lighting, and security turnstiles
The Total Project Costs was $19,800,000 which included Architectural and Engineering services (structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, civil, and environmental) and Construction Management. Our services consisted of all design, engineering, and construction documents (drawings/specifications) and construction administration and part-time construction supervision.
Rock Island Arsenal, Army Core of Engineers
Mr. Don Peterson, PE
Administrative Contracting Officer