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Pottstown SD Multi-Building Repairs

Pottstown, PA


Pottstown School District

Led by Caitlin Maggiano and Andy Wilson, O&S Associates, Inc. has led a multi-year, multi-building restoration program at the Pottstown School District in Pennsylvania. Since 2014, O&S has implemented repairs at numerous schools (Rupert, Franklin, Lincoln, Middle School, High School, Administration Building) including significant reconstruction of portions of building façades to mitigate persistent leakage and damage conditions. Repairs have included reconstruction of brick masonry and limestone parapet and wall sections to address deficient and missing waterproofing and flashings. Additional programs have included roofing replacement and re-covers. Much of the work has been completed on Historically Significant Buildings. The projects have been completed in a Public Bid environment and all have been completed on time and on budget.

O&S visited each building to complete a preliminary assessment of the building conditions to identify High Priority Repair conditions, along with recommending repairs of deficient and deferred maintenance conditions. In general, O&S identified repairs that met the following criteria:

  1. Dangerous site conditions
  2. Conditions that, if unaddressed, pose significant opportunity for accelerated continued deterioration and damages to building components that may result in increase to overall repair scope and cost
  3. Deficient and deferred maintenance conditions that should be completed at the same time as conditions identified above for efficiency and completeness
  4. Deficient and deferred maintenance conditions that are required to be completed prior to implementation of future roofing replacement work