Norristown Parking Garage Rehabilitation
O&S Associates was retained by Montgomery County to perform an assessment on the pre-cast, double tee parking structure and prepare a rehabilitation plan for the structure. The structure has 5 supported levels, 2 stair towers and 2 elevator systems. The condition assessment was based on a review of the existing plans and testing reports, visual observations of the site, and exploratory work and material testing. These tests included chain drag and hammer sounding as well as exploratory openings of the structure.
Due to lack of maintenance, the garage had deteriorated extensively and required extensive repairs. Work included full and partial depth repairs, replacement of expansion joints, repair of pre-cast tee-to-tee connections, replacement of connections between parapet sections, and installing of a new traffic bearing membrane and joint sealants. O & S Associates prepared drawings and specifications for the structural repair and waterproofing of the garage and provided bidding and construction administration services.