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Mediterranean Towers South Parking Garage

Fort Lee, NJ


Mediterranean Towers South

Project Team

VP Samy, P.E.
Suchi Jayasena, P.E
Manu Mevada


  • Condition Assessment
  • Structural Design – Restoration
  • Bidding Services
  • Construction Administration / Observation

O&S Associates was retained by Mediterranean Towers South to perform a property condition assessment to evaluate the general condition of The Mediterranean Towers South Parking Garage. The lowest level of the garage has a poured reinforced concrete slab on grade. The garage is divided in half along an irregularly placed expansion joint, which runs from east to west. The southern half of the garage has 84,000 sq. ft. on each floor. There is also an expansion joint which runs from north to south. The garage has gone through an extensive repair program. In 2003, all deteriorated concrete from the floor slabs and waffle ribs was removed and replaced with new high strength concrete. A new waterproofing membrane was also installed to protect the supported slabs from the penetration of salt laden moisture. The uppermost slab of the parking garage serves as the recreational deck. The structural slab is a waffle slab system with a waterproofing membrane and concrete topping on top of the structural slab. The recreation deck has basketball courts, tennis courts, hand ball courts, shuffleboard courts, sitting area, barbecue area, and children’s play ground.

O &S developed a repair program for the renovation of the recreation deck and parking garage. O & S performed the design and construction services for the structural rehabilitation and waterproofing of the parking garage and the recreation deck.