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Lakeland Regional Medical Center

Lakeland, FL

O&S Associates performed engineering consulting services for the complete restoration and preventive waterproofing of the various buildings and additions that comprise the Lakeland Regional Medical Center located in Lakeland, Florida.

O&S was retained to perform a condition assessment and develop a façade restoration program for the entire Medical Center. The hospital was particularly concerned with leakage and damage to interior finishes along the hospital’s data center. O&S developed a separate restoration program designed to mitigate the leakage in this “priority” area.

O&S has designed a repair program that addresses the deterioration of the masonry façade, including brick replacements, repointing deteriorated mortar joints, shelf angle repairs, re-flashing, and replacement of thru-wall flashings. A complete waterproofing program was also recommended to mitigate water infiltration that included sealant replacements and provisions for a water repellant surface sealer over the masonry façades.

After we submitted our condition survey reports, the hospital engaged us for design services to develop repair documents for the proposed “priority” restoration program at the Data Center. The restoration project had an estimated budget cost of $164,000 and was completed in 2016. O&S provided bidding services and technical supervision for the project. The entirety of the project construction cost was approximately $3.84 million.