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View All Projects > Edison Village Parking Garage

Edison Village Parking Garage

West Orange, NJ


Prism Capital Partners

Project Team

Robert Weissenborn, RA


  • Architectural Design
  • Functional Design
  • Value Engineering
  • Bidding Services
  • Construction Administration / Observation

The Edison Village Project is comprised of 610 residential housing units, new retail construction and a 640 space parking facility. The project, which is the largest non-waterfront redevelopment project in New Jersey, is located in the Downtown Redevelopment Area of West Orange encompassing an area of approximately 21 acres and is located in the southwestern corner of West Orange.

O&S Associates provided architectural, structural and MEP design for the parking structure. The garage is a five level precast concrete structure encompassed by the residential buildings on all sides. Due to this condition the garage design required firewalls on all sides. Combined concrete spread footings at all the firewalls were utilized as part of the value engineering exercise. This enclosed garage design also mandated that the facility be mechanically ventilated and have sprinklers throughout.