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Cape Canaveral Hospital

Cocoa Beach, FL


Health First


  • Condition Assessment
  • Development of Recommended Repair Program and Cost Estimate

O&S Associates performed engineering consulting services for the complete restoration and preventive waterproofing of the Cape Canaveral Hospital, located in Cocoa Beach, Florida.

O&S Associates was retained to perform a condition assessment and develop a restoration program for the various buildings and additions that comprise the hospital. The repair program was designed to addresses the deterioration of the precast concrete, masonry, and plaster façades, including concrete patch repairs, brick replacements, and repointing deteriorated mortar joints. A complete waterproofing program was also recommended to mitigate water infiltration which includes sealant replacements, provisions for a waterproofing coating over the concrete and plaster façades, and water repellant surface sealer over the selected masonry façade.

After we submitted our condition assessment report, the hospital requested that the repair program be phased out to be performed over a period of several years to accommodate expected yearly budgets. We provided a two-year and four-year phased budget construction cost estimate.

Project Size:

Total Façade Area: 200,000 square feet

Construction Cost Estimate:

$5 million


Cape Canaveral Hospital

Cocoa Beach, FL

Client/Owner Representative:

Mr. Doug Timmer, Weatherproofing Technologies, Inc., Cleveland, OH

Project Description:

O&S Associates performed the following services:

Recommended Scope of Work included the following: