Becton Dickinson And Company Becton And Howe Parking Garages
Franklin Lakes, NJ
Becton Dickinson’s (BD) Howe and Becton Parking Garages are two multilevel, wide spread parking structures consisting of approximately 480,000 square feet, or 1350 parking garage spaces.
- O&S Associates provided Architectural/Engineering services to conduct an engineering survey of the Howe and Becton Parking garages for the purpose of determining the physical condition of the parking facilities and developing a recommended garage rehabilitation and construction repair cost budget.
- O&S observed extensive concrete and corrosion related deterioration of the precast concrete tees, metal framed stairs, electrical conduits through-out the facility.
- Based on the comprehensive survey of the garages, O&S Associates developed design drawings, specifications and bid documents for the rehabilitation of the Becton and Howe parking garages.