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Akron Children’s Hospital – Condition Assessment

Akron, OH


Weatherproofing Technologies Inc.

Project Team

VP Samy, P.E.
Nabeel Raazi, P.E.


  • Condition Assessment
  • Structural Design – Restoration
  • Architectural Design
  • Construction Administration / Observation
  • Upgrades / Renovation
  • Owner’s Rep (Construction)
  • Study

The Children’s Hospital Medical Center of Akron is a multi-building facility, consisting of a large main hospital building, and various sized “satellite” buildings. The construction of the buildings is generally masonry with locations of metal panel and concrete panel façades in certain locations. The main hospital building consists of many different additions, constructed prior to 1900 to around 2005. O&S was retained to provide a condition survey of the entire campus and input our findings into BEMAP. We discovered the following deterioration at the facility.

O&S Associates performed the following scope of services: