310 Madison Avenue Office Building Parking Deck
Morristown, NJ
In general, the 310 Madison Avenue Office building parking structure is in poor structural condition with extensive cracking in the precast concrete floor planks and corrosion damage to the structural steel girders of the parking deck. Our walk through identified certain safety concerns with the structural integrity. In addition, the parking structure is exhibiting signs of corrosion related structural deterioration of the Structural Steel Framed structural elements such as girders, columns and their steel connections.
- O&S have developed Recommendations for a Structural Repair and Waterproofing of the parking garage to assure safety and long term durability.
- We strongly recommend that these Structural Repair and Maintenance Programs be implemented as advised by the National Parking Association (NPA).
- We also recommend a detailed condition assessment and testing program be implemented to better define the scope of work and the repair programs.