Boston Park Plaza Hotel
O&S Associates performed engineering consulting services for the complete restoration and preventive waterproofing of the Boston Park Plaza Hotel located in downtown Boston, Massachusetts. We were retained to perform a condition assessment of the exterior façade walls and existing roofing and develop a comprehensive restoration program to remediate existing damage and to extend the service life of the building façade and roof.
O&S has designed a repair program which addresses the deterioration of the various façades and roof including brick replacements and rebuilds, repointing deteriorated masonry mortar joints, lintel repairs and replacements, patch repairs and replacements of the limestone cornices, ledges, and sills, and complete replacement of the existing roofing. A complete waterproofing program was also recommended to mitigate water infiltration which includes façade sealant replacements, glazing sealant replacements, and provisions for waterproofing coatings and water repellant surface sealers.
O&S was further retained to remediate the deteriorated and leaking structural vault slab and heavily corroded structural steel framing in the basement of the hotel. Work included structural repair and re-waterproofing of the vault slab, replacement of the sidewalk topping slab, flange replacements, flange and web plate reinforcement, and member strengthening along selected corroded steel framing. Construction cost for the project was approximately $100 million.